Tuna Pesto Pasta Salad

Tuna Pesto Pasta Salad


Tuna Pesto Pasta Salad in the manner of Tuna, Pasta, Kale, Pesto

The ingredient of Tuna Pesto Pasta Salad

  1. 1 can tuna
  2. 1 box pasta
  3. 1 bunch kale
  4. 1 batch pesto

The instruction how to make Tuna Pesto Pasta Salad

Nutritions of Tuna Pesto Pasta Salad

calories: NutritionInformation
carbohydrateContent: 460 calories
cholesterolContent: 86 grams
fatContent: 10 milligrams
fiberContent: 4.5 grams
proteinContent: 5 grams
sodiumContent: 22 grams
sugarContent: 65 milligrams
: 3 grams

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